An idea that is born is the beginning of a dream.
A shared idea is the beginning of an emotional reality.

An ambition

To become a reference point for enthusiasts and experts in a non-monodirectional but dynamic and reciprocal relationship.

A promise

A young team of professionals guided by a shared passion and goal. A new company that will make innovation and quality a recognizable sign of a change.


An innovative project that opens the doors to the world of a historic winery with the dream of exporting expertise and tradition, while at the same time, proposing new methods of making wine and above all living wine

A certainty

An indissoluble bond between the land and those who work it. Beneath the reassuring embrace of Mount Taburno with its unparalleled microclimate, the Ocone Winery confirms and renews its historic partnership with local vine growers. Their ancient wisdom in the cultivation of grapes is the essential prerequisite of a process guided by experience and tradition and, orientated by a knowledge of modern research.
